Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

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Our Greater Purpose is to help to the global shift ~ from competing to co~creating ~ as easily and gracefully as possible and ASAP!

Why on a Fully Sliding Scale? First ~ if we may be frank ~ what we offer is actually priceless

Second ~ we Know that our thoughts play a large role in creating our circumstances. So given that ~ how on earth could we ‘walk our talk’ if we stopped you from receiving our help just because you ‘can’t afford’ it right now ~ which your previous limited thinking has helped create! We can’t and don’t! And honestly one of the very best ‘payments’ that you could give is to receive the help that you need ~ Now ~ so you can change your thinking, which can help change your circumstances ~ and thereby help us to change the world ~ one person at a time, starting with you! 

So it is in Alignment to offer support on a fully sliding scale ~ meaning there’s no upper or lower limit ~ everyone pays according to their current financial circumstances. You might think that’s odd ~ that someone who has financial abundance won’t need help. Well, actually, we have found that just because someone has financial abundance doesn’t mean they are free from financial fears ~ because let’s face it: numbers on a piece of paper from a financial institution can plummet in an instant!

So unless you already have complete ‘mental financial freedom’ ~ absolute freedom from any worry or fear about money ~ then we suggest that there is more that we may be able to help you shift in your thinking around money.  

We’d love to speak with you if you are ready to make an appointment or arrange a Course, have any question about whether this might be a good fit for you, or which of our many offerings is the best place to start! So please go to our Contact Us page for options to get in touch ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service and changing the world ~ together! 

Regrettably no.
Our ‘post-pandemic-pivot-shift’ to being of service via video conference has enabled us to help more people and from pretty much anywhere ~ so for now the Centre’s building is not open for in-person visits.

Please call and speak with us about our Fully Sliding Scale fees (see the first FAQ) ~ together we will find a way for you to receive the help you need. So please go to our Contact Us page for options to get in touch ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service! 

Wonderful! You can Contact us to make an appointment or schedule a class or course. When scheduling we will provide details of payment options. In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service!

Yes ~ the Centre is always in need of, and grateful for, volunteers.  Please call us to find out about opportunities. Here’s a link to our Contact us page ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service ~ together!

For appointments, please give at least 24 hours notice.

For classes less than a day long, please give at least 24 hours notice.

For courses more than a day long, please give at least a week notice.

Since all our classes, courses and services are offered on a Fully Sliding Scale (see the first FAQ), we don’t publish prices. Instead we have a conversation with you to agree on your contribution. Ready to have that conversation? Please go to our Contact us page for options to get in touch ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service!

Thank you in advance for Making a Difference!
You can send a check made payable to Self Realization Sevalight Centre or contact us for more payment options.
The Michigan Centre is an IRS 501(c)(3) Public Charity and a Michigan Nonprofit, EIN 81-0619741, registered under our original name: Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre. 

By making your donation, you join us in co~creating the global shift by supporting the Centre to continue providing our classes, courses and services on a Fully Sliding Scale (see the first FAQ).  We welcome donations of money or usable goods, which are generally tax deductible – please consult your tax accountant about deductibility.

Have any questions? Please go to our Contact Us page for options to get in touch ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to Making a Difference ~ together! 

Yes ~ the Centre has been serving the local community since 2003!
Post-pandemic-pivot, the Centre has expanded to serving a much wider community by offering gatherings, classes, courses and services via zoom ~ and ~ by offering more inspirations for everyone via our youtube and vimeo channels and more.

No. There is no conflict between the teachings of Jesus and what the Centre promotes. In fact, one of the Centre’s Aims is to uphold the wisdom of all the Masters. Have any more questions about this? Please go to our Contact Us page for options to get in touch ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service! 

No. The Centre promotes the Universal Spiritual Teaching of Unconditional Love that is the foundation of all religions, without being a religion itself. We are here to provide an atmosphere of unconditional love and acceptance for all, regardless of their beliefs or non-belief. Have any more questions about this? Please go to our Contact Us page for options to get in touch ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service! 

While we can understand that it’s easy for people to dismiss organizations like ours as dogmatic, cultish, or manipulative, these characteristics are actually the opposite of what we teach.

So we encourage people to call and ask, ‘come and see’ (via zoom at the moment), experience and learn, and simply apply what fits for them.

We seek to find the common spiritual ground with each individual, that place where we as humans all come together, despite our upbringing, our education, our gender, race or age, or our religion.

In lighting a spiritual path, we do not try to change people, we strive to empower them to change and liberate themselves. They don’t have to give up their everyday lives to grow, and in fact they can enjoy those lives even more.

Have any more questions about this? Please go to our Contact Us page for options to get in touch ~ In Joyous Anticipation of hearing from you and to being of service!