Personal Energy Care

We are experts in teaching Personal Energy Care

We live this ~ so we have experienced for ourselves, as well as being told by our students and clients, how profoundly helpful this is to those who were suffering from the ‘symptoms’ of needing this knowledge, to name just a few: anxiety, agitation, irritability, clumsiness, oversensitivity, overly emotional/rollercoaster, feeling great then quickly depleted, picking up on other people’s stuff/taking on their emotions or problems.

This knowledge, along with the simple, easy-to-use energetic ‘tools’, can be made relevant to you and your life in so many ways! In as little as an hour you can learn the basics of the theory of why and the how of three of the ‘tools’ to help you to: be more present, to cleanse away unwanted energies, and most importantly: to conserve/be in charge of your energy ~ and so much more! If you wish to know even more, take this deeper ~ we have more tools and greater depth ~ with the ultimate being our crown jewel, the Pure Meditation Course.

Rather than try to list all the possible ways here, we encourage you to simply Contact Us to schedule a Discovery Call during which we can speak about your specifics and how we may help; and about our fully sliding scale fees and any questions you may have ♥