About the Centre

This Self Realization Sevalight Centre is run by a group of professional Intuitive Coaches, Healers, and Teachers who are committed to the highest ideal of unconditional love in all they do. Our aim is to give support to those struggling or suffering in life on any level, and to assist those who seek inner knowledge and personal growth in the pursuit of peace, health and happiness.

Pure Meditation is a central part of the life of the Centre and training is offered to a deep level under the guidance of Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma. 

The Centre received the Blessing of its new name ‘Sevalight’, meaning ‘working as One in The Light for God’, from Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji in 2019, having been known as a Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre from 2003 to 2018.

The Michigan Centre is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 81-0619741 – effective July 2003.

We welcome donations of money or usable goods, which are generally tax deductible – please consult your tax accountant.

Looking for our Pricing? Our classes, courses and services are made available on a fully sliding scale. Want to know more ~ please see the first answer on our FAQs page. 

Mata Yogananda

Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma is the Founder and Patron of this Self Realization Sevalight Centre for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling.

Mata Yogananda devoted her life to the teaching of Pure Meditation and to making it accessible to all who are ready. She showed us through her example that it was her wish to spread the teachings of Universal Truths in practical and down-to-earth ways ~ so that everyone may incorporate them into their life ~ and to show how to find deeper meaning in life and connection with our True Self, bringing the peace, love and freedom that we long for.

Her way was always to teach through example ~ to show how by putting spiritual principles and practices into life, you can bring about profound, positive, lasting changes. By putting the spiritual science of Pure Meditation into your life, all aspects of life can be improved, and, if the desire is there, Self Realization can be found in this life time. Although she passed from her body on September 29, 2020, Mata Yoganandaji’s teachings of eternal wisdom continue to shine as a bright light ~ guiding the way through life’s problems and difficulties on any level of being ~ helping souls to find their own wisdom and fulfill their true potential.

      Come ~ “The Door Is Open For You” ♥

About the Property & Centre Amenities

Located in Bath Michigan

Regrettably, the Centre building is Not open at this time ~ please feel free to ask for an update ♥


Volunteer Opportunities

We are always in need of volunteers to share in the joy of being of service and giving back to life, helping with the work of the Centre. Any amount of time is of value, we have a wide variety of opportunities and times available. Please contact us for details.

Gardening Angels needed ♥

We have some lovely gardens near the Centre ~ and they are filled to the brim! We are happy to point out which plants need to be removed/composted if you are not an experienced gardener. Enjoy creating a more beautiful garden with satisfyingly visible results !

Trail Blazers and Woods clearers ~ Tree-freers needed ♥

Our walking trail is looking very jungley and hard to find! We have some manual tools, but if you have a weed-wacker to bring with you, even better! We also have a lovely pile of wood chips to spread once the greenery is removed. And our rural Centre-home is nestled in 3 acres of woods which are being invaded by garlic mustard + invasive vines: honeysuckle, bittersweet plus grape and poison ivy. We need help to free the trees by cutting/detangling/removing the vines that are already climbing & choking them. Then continuing to repeatedly cut the invasives until they are exhausted so we don’t have to resort to poisons! Happy, free of invasives, trees and woodland areas help create a more nurturing environment for all to imbibe in nature’s wonder, peace and healing.

And more ♥

We always have a number of special projects and would love to hear from you!

Want to know more, please go to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)