Like Minded Community

Be like a diamond and reflects light, not like charcoal that reflects nothing.

~ Mata Yoganada Mahasaya Dharma

The Science of God Thinking Community is here as a sacred safe circle of spiritual friends & family who give and receive mutual unconditional support while we each bring Universal Truths to life ~ making them a reality in our individual lives ~ by honoring and celebrating that we each have our own unique path and Greater Purpose to fulfil in this lifetime. 

The beauty of the circle is that when one of us forgets who we Truly Are, the rest of us remember. And by simply being held in that knowing, we are supported to remember again more easily and swiftly ~ when we are ready, for we are each fully responsible for our own self and our journey Home.

We joyfully celebrate with and for each other, knowing there is no separation, and wish ‘for this (what we have) and even better for everyone else!’

Ready to get in on it or want to simply know more? We would love to meet with you!

If we want to improve ourselves, improve ourselves to become better friends, then we need to see that we have good company. Better company.

A sage once said, “Good company is of paramount importance, as it influences your reason and will, which by repetitions of good thought and actions form good habits.” This is a very good, important thing to remember.

– Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma

Excerpts from What is True Friendship, Inspiring Talks (collection)